Scholarship recipients must have been a member of the local network for a minimum of (1) year in order to qualify, and the member is encouraged to participate on at least one Local Network committee.
Section 2: (A) Education Scholarships: Scholarships amounting to the cost of the educational offering, other than Performance Management Network, not to exceed $150 per calendar year shall be awarded to each recipient.
(B) Performance Management Network: Scholarships amounting to the cost of the educational offering shall not exceed $150.00 per calendar year per recipient.
(C) The scholarships may be used for any real estate industry educational offering in the area which enhances the productivity and professionalism of the member. This requirement can include classes towards NAR designations, technology and self-improvement. Any CE classes required for agent/broker license renewal will NOT be eligible unless class credit is used towards an NAR designations.
(D) Applications must be sent to the Local WCR Tucson Network Scholarship Chairperson for approval by the Scholarship Committee.
(E) The amount of funds available for scholarships to be awarded shall be established in the annual budget and distributed in accordance to the above stated requirements until allocation has been totally disbursed.
Section 3: (A) Leadership Scholarships: Scholarships not to exceed $150 per recipient per year to be applied to registration and events. Verification of attendance must be provided and request for reimbursement must be submitted within thirty (30) days of attending the event.
(B) The scholarships may be used for attendance to a National, State, or Regional WCR meeting.
(C) The applications must be sent to the Local WCR Tucson Network Scholarship Chairperson for approval by the Scholarship Committee.
(D). The amount of funds available for scholarships to be awarded shall be established in the annual budget and distributed in accordance with the items above until the allocation has been totally disbursed.